Sky Full Of Stars - Grade 10 Vocal Music
Students in the Grade 10 Vocal music class recorded Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay. As a class, we had students record all of the parts: flute, clarinet, acoustic guitar, bass, piano, strings, pad, glockenspiel and ukulele. This may be an odd combination of instruments, but they did a great job.
We recorded all of the parts in the classroom and while there are some technical issues in the recording, it was a good project to learn a lot about recording and the process required to do so. Students saw how much work goes into creating a final product and the planning necessary to complete something like this.
Students this semester also had to record their own song. This was a challenging project for many as they have never approached songwriting like this before. Their final products are completed and there are some great songs! Good job vocal students!
Here is our Sky Full of Stars. Enjoy.