Colour Your Life

Visual Arts






Grade 9 Visual Arts - AVI1O1

This course is exploratory in nature, offering an overview of visual arts as a foundation for further study. Students will become familiar with the elements and principles of design and the expressive qualities of various materials by using a range of media, processes, techniques, and styles. Students will use the creative and critical analysis processes and will interpret art within a personal, contemporary, and historical context.



Grade 10 Visual Arts - AVI2O1

 The Grade 10 course provides opportunity for students to explore and to further develop their artistic and creative skills.  Students will continue to developed art techniques through using new media, techniques and technologies in drawing, painting, design, sculpture and printmaking. Students will produce works designed around specific objectives with an overall unifying theme which demonstrates the ability to take varied and creative approaches to using materials, tools, processes, and technologies in studio activities. Art history topics, as well as career opportunities in art and art related fields are discussed. A collection of artwork portfolio will be produced as well as possible field trips to a gallery and/or art events.

CREDIT: 1  TYPE: Open  GRADE: 10


Grade 11 Visual Arts - AVI3M1

This course enables students to further develop their knowledge and skills in visual arts. Students will use the creative process to explore a wide range of themes through studio work that may include drawing, painting, sculpting, and printmaking, as well as the creation of collage, multimedia works, and works using emerging technologies. Students will use the critical analysis process when evaluating their own work and the work of others. The course may be delivered as a comprehensive program or through a program focused on a particular art form (e.g., photography, video, computer graphics, information design).

CREDIT: 1 TYPE: University/College GRADE: 11


Grade 11 - Visual Design - AWD3O1

This is a digital visual arts and design course. All design projects are created using various computer software applications such as Adobe Photoshop, CS4, Fireworks and Flash. Students will focus on learning the software by creating applied (real world) design concepts including logo design, magazine layout, drawing in a digital format, using a pen tablet and/or mouse drawing, creating backgrounds and animated characters. A large portion of the course will be devoted to creating elements for an animated short that each student will create and then assemble as a flash-based animation. The course will also explore essential practices and techniques used in photography and film. By the end of the course, students will have an ePortfolio demonstrating a number of digital arts, design skills and concepts suitable for post-secondary pursuits.



Grade 12 Visual Arts - AVI4M1

This course focuses on enabling students to refine their use of the creative process when creating and presenting two- and three-dimensional art works using a variety of traditional and emerging media and technologies. Students will use the critical analysis process to deconstruct art works and explore connections between art and society. The studio program enables students to explore a range of materials, processes, and techniques that can be applied in their own art production. Students will also make connections between various works of art in personal, contemporary, historical, and cultural contexts.

CREDIT: 1 TYPE: University/College GRADE: 12 PREREQUISITE: AVI3M1 - Visual Arts


Grade 12 Media Arts - ASM4M1

In this course, students will be doing and creating. Sit down lessons are few and far between in this course! Students will be active makers and creators of short films using a various genres such as action sequences and documentary film-making. Students will develop skills in creative thinking, visual storytelling, filming techniques, video editing using modern software and creating video effects. Students will also develop their independent skills through a choice of options aimed at helping them learn the principles of photography, audio recording and video production. This is a stand alone course - students wishing to complete their Arts credit requirement and haven’t done so in Grade 11 or 12 should consider taking this course.

CREDIT: 1 TYPE: University/College GRADE: 12