Frames - Video Competition
On November 26, 2013, the DSBN Arts department held its first Short Film Competition. Frames was a fantastic day of filmmaking for 11 high schools in our district. 65 students joined along make films in a time crunch. From 9 AM to 7:30PM, students had to create a 6 min maximum film. At 7:30 PM, all exported films were viewed as a large group to celebrate what took place that day.
The competition spirit of the day was there but there was also a spirit of helping each other out. This was highlighted by the fact that 5 film experts from the Niagara region were there to lend a hand or give advice to groups that day.
Eden brought 6 students to make a short film based on the concept given that day. The concept was "Out of Time". The Eden crew did a fantastic job and were able to score 1st Runner Up as well as the nod for Best Cinematography. Way to go students!
Below are some photos of the day as well as the video they produced.