Colour Your Life

Grade 12 Media Learn at Home

Post 2 - Updates and Camera Angles

OverProject 4.jpeg


Task 1 - Watch the Post 2 video above for quick updates.

Task 2 - Watch the quick presentation on Camera Angles or Types of Shots.

Task 3 - You must take or upload 2 photos for each of these camera angles. Your subject can be an object, animal or person. These must be photos you have taken. However, they do not need to be new photos. Therefore, as long as you have taken a photo (new or old), submit 2 examples of each of these types of angles that demonstrate your understanding of the angles:

  • 2 Close Ups (where the subject fills most of the frame)

  • 2 Mid shots (a shot that shows more of the subject and some of the background)

  • 2 Long shots / Wide angles (shows the entire subject and the background for context)

  • 2 High angles (camera is higher than the subject so as to make the subject appear smaller or less important)

  • 2 Low angles (camera is lower than the subject so as to make the subject appear bigger or more important)

Uploading your shots (you must watch the video below first) using the method I have requested. (See step 4)

TARGET DATE: Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Task 4 - Please watch this video to see how I want your work to be uploaded. This is important so that we can keep all files organized.

Task 5 - Fill in this quick survey. (3 questions - no thinking required)

Have a great long weekend and Happy Easter!

Mr MoccioComment