Post 1 - Monday, April 6, 2020 - Welcome and Independent Projects Startup
As part of this course, Media Arts students have to create 2 independent media projects. Please note that the “independent project page” will only have a certain amount of ideas for your projects. I am open to you suggesting projects of your own. YOU MUST PRE-APPROVE any project you wish to complete before beginning it.
You should read through the suggested projects. Each project has some suggested resources, etc… for you to use. They are not meant to spoon feed you but at the same time, there are some examples of many of the projects as well as helpful tips. Don’t forget! You can email me at if you need extra help.
Your task: Create 2 Media Projects.
Step 1 - Decide on two projects you are going to complete. Email me ( with your 2 choices for approval.
Step 2 - Begin each project. Email me any questions you may have or challenges you are facing.
Step 3 - Complete these two projects and submit them in Google Drive. (If you don’t know how to do that, see this video to help you with uploading to Google Drive).
DEADLINE: While we are flexible during this time, I highly recommend that you don’t procrastinate. Work on these and chisel away a bit. So, let’s put a target date for one of the projects for April 24, 2020 and the second project May 4, 2020. Again, flexibility is key here but you need to stay in communication with me if there are challenges.
This does not mean that you won’t have any other work between now and that deadline date. Visit this site regularly for updates as there will be smaller lessons and assignments in the meantime.