Post 5 - Tuesday, April 21, 2020 - Independent Music Learning
Step 1
-Watch the video!
Step 2
-Have you told me about which instruments you have access to? If not, email me (
-Just let me know quickly, do you have access to a piano? guitar? ukulele? xylophone? other instrument? NO instruments?
Step 3 - After watching the video…
Have a look below for some suggestions…
-Piano? Here is the chord pattern (the 4 chords that are repeated over and over again) for ALL OF ME.
Have a look at this video on Youtube. (All of Me - Piano)
Start learning the song OR
Do you want to try a different song? Try to find one that you do not know. (Think small for now - short, easy tunes)
Start learning that song
-Guitar? Try learning Free Falling. This is a great song to start learning as it is basic, repeating pattern.
Go to our Grade 9 Music page
Go to the “Guitar” section and at the top of that section, there are resources for Free Falling. The video is me playing. Starting with a simple pattern and progressing to more complicated patterns. You need to be able to do the simple pattern, at least but aim high!
There are play along files there too. You can practice by playing along with the STRUM pattern, the BASIC pattern and when ready, the NO GUITAR version. Just keep repeating.
There is also a Chord sheet. On that sheet, the chords are shown. Look up how to read guitar chords online. (Let me know if I can help)
-Ukulele? Start with the age-old “Riptide” on ukulele if you don’t know it.
Here is the chord sheet for it (Riptide)
Notice the strumming pattern is at the top (Down Down Up Down Up)
That pattern is for each chord and the chords are listed there on the page with the “how to” play them
If you already know that, pick another song and do the same thing.
Step 4 - Song Reviews
We are wanting to try to get those in next week (April 27 - May 1)