Perspective, perspective.
We know that movies are just tricks on our eyes. Cameras take multiple photos per second and then display those photos really quickly to make it look as though it is a movie or animated. This is a trick to fool our eyes.
Photography can do the same thing. Check this out:
How is this possible? The person on the left is a real person. The Incredible Hulk on the right is not. Either that is a HUGE Hulk or that person is really small. False: Neither of those possibilities are true in this case.
This is entirely a trick of perspective. The camera is placed in a way that plays with our perspective. The Hulk is not quite as close to the person as he looks.
Check out the webpage that has more examples and shows this awesome Instagram photographer doing some cool things:
We have all seen photos like this as well:
Can you find a creative application of perspective that you can make/create at home? Is there a creative way you can look up how other photographers have utilized perspective in their photography to adapt and build upon in your own?
What is my task?
Your task is to create 5 shots that utilize perspective in a creative fashion to create something that plays a trick on the eyes. Your work must be your own (i.e. do not plagiarize by using someone else’s photograph). You may be inspired by others, but your must create the photos yourself.
Required Resources / Equipment
This will depend on what you decide to make as a concept. You will require a camera or phone.
Skills you will learn
Some of these can be more difficult than you think. For example, the Instagram toy photographer (above) is really good at what he does. This is not always as easy as you would think. You will learn how change the location of your subject or the location of your lens will alter the final product coming out of the camera. You will learn the discipline to stick with a task even if at first you do not suceed.
Creative 5 perspective shots. You may use the same subjects. (For example, if you wanted to try and find subjects like the ones used by the Instagram toy photog, you could try 5 shots with those subjects).
Upload your 5 shots to Google Classroom for “Turn in”.
Take a “behind the scenes” shot as well. Try to take a photo of your set up to show how you approached this.
Behind the scenes Photo and 5 Photos - 10 marks
Did you fulfill the basic requirements and complete what was being asked?
Perspective - 20 marks
Did you find a creative approach to making unique perspective shots? Were you successful in tricking the eye?