Post 6 - Thursday, April 30, 2020 - Let's clean things up!
Can you help me out? I think I may go a little bonkers if we don’t take a second to do today’s ‘task’! If you can imagine, having 80-85 students send me work continually without a way to organize it all is pretty crazy to keep up with.
STEP 1 - Watch the following video
STEP 2 - Do what is asked in the video. SOME OF YOU have already done this. Then, you don’t need to, but still continue to Step 3 (all of you). If you have handed something in already, I have probably created a folder for you. I will share that with you in Google Drive. Check your “Shared with Me” to find that. It should be named : “Your Name - Vocals”. If you DON’T have a folder, then create one and share with me just like the video demonstrates.
STEP 3 - In your folder that is shared with me, can you organize the work? For example, if you have your Performance 3 file, make sure it is named “Performance 3 Recording” or something like that which is obvious.
As you send in Theory work, can you rename the photos? For example, “Chord Inversions Practice” for a photo. Then, store those in a folder called Theory.
STEP 4 - If I can go into my Vocals folder and see everyone’s folders, double-click on a photo and see your work… I just may survive this time :)
STEP 5 - That’s it - continue the theory learning from the other posts. I do want a photo of your note on Chord Inversions to see how that is going for you. Just a photo of your practice note that I posted and uploaded in your folder :)