Colour Your Life

Song Review


You are going to record an episode for our Eden High Arts Podcast. This podcast, found here or on the iTunes, will eventually contain different shows and topics in our Arts department. You will be a content producer for the podcast.


Step 1

The first step is of course to have a song chosen. Without a song, you have no review! Be sure to find a song that you feel has enough substance to review. Don't forget: you don't have to choose a song that you like. In fact, you may particularly feel quite the opposite about your chosen song. You may cringe every time you hear. 

Either way, choose a song and have a few listens to it if you haven't already. Get familiar with all of the elements. Let it sit for a few days in your ears. How do you feel about it a few days later? Did your sentiments change? Did your liking of the song go down or go up?

Once you have a song, please move to the next step and start writing!


Writing a song review is like writing a book review or a movie critique. You have to analyze the song, think about what its qualities and characteristics are and then you must develop an opinion about it.

You must develop an opinion and be able to state it using musical terminology. A good review isn't about saying this is "good" or this is "bad". You also want to go deeper than saying, "I like this song because it sounds good". You should be stating why you like the song and why you think it is good. 

IMPORTANT : We are all creating podcasts that are part of a series. At the beginning of your podcast, you will need to record the following words: "You are listening to the Eden High Arts Podcast - Song Review Series. My name is ____insert first name_____ and this is my song review."

You may require some extra help to find suitable language. Let's look at's review writing guide. Look through these descriptive words to help you write your review.

For melodies:
  • Positive: tuneful, interesting, shapely (or well-shaped), strong, melodious, memorable, original.
  • Negative: plain, shapeless, tuneless, boring, too simple, overly complex, unoriginal.
For vocals:
  • Positive: distinctive, rich, warm, expressive, feeling, strong, attractive, appealing, confident, conviction, heartfelt, clear, stylish, soulful, impressive, pitch range, dynamic, edgy, raw, powerful.
  • Negative: thin, weak, inconsistent, out-of-tune, pitch problems, expressionless, bland, self-conscious.
For lyrics:
  • Positive: original, amusing, thought-provoking, inspiring, heart-warming, punchy, meaningful, clever, deep.
  • Negative: plain, uninspiring, weak, pretentious, cheesy, corny, cringeworthy, obscure, confusing, predictable, repetitive, offensive.
For instrumental accompaniments:
  • Positive: balanced, varied, full, rich, rhythmic, engaging, compelling, competent, smooth, accomplished, imaginative, creative, solid, original, exciting, powerful, driving, atmospheric, ethereal.
  • Negative: weak, plain, safe, uninspired, lacking conviction, poor balance, untogether, over-sentimental, unvaried, lacking contrast, strident, harsh.
For artists:
  • Positive: talented, imaginative, professional, creative, accomplished, competent, skillful, careful, experienced, natural.
  • Negative: unimaginative, predictable, careless, unprofessional, untogether, dated, awkward.

C. (n.d.). How to Write Meaningful Paid Song Reviews on Slicethepie. Retrieved November 13, 2016, from


  • Start your podcast with the opening given in the "Important" section to the left.
  • Use descriptive language to describe 3 aspects of the song.
  • Plan on using 2 song clips to illustrate some points.
    • Quick Intro
    • 3 Aspects of the song
    • 2 song clips
    • Quick Summary of your opinion



Once you have your script, you should be ready to record. Be sure to set yourself up in the most quietest setting possible. This will help you capture the best audio you can. You don't need to go and rent a professional studio or anything like that.

You can use various software to do this. Maybe you will record at home? You can. Audacity is a free software application that will allow you to record your voice on your home computer. You could even use your phone - coupled with a pair of mic-equipped earbuds and you will get even better sound. Download the MP3 from your voice memo app and you have your script.

In class, we have Garageband as an option. Using this software with a USB microphone or interface will capture even better sound. 


Once you have your voice recorded, you will need to insert the MP3 file of the song you are reviewing. This will help you insert a clip or 2 (no more than 8-10 seconds per clip) to illustrate your points.

You will want to make sure you have adjusted the volume of your audio tracks. Did you bring the music down for when your voice is speaking? Did you bring it back up for when the listener is supposed to listen to the clip?

Be sure to adjust everything as needed in order to get the best sounding podcast possible.

Once you have finished your podcast, proceed to Step 5.


Here is a sample podcast for you:




Now is the time to export your final podcast file. 

In Garageband, go to the "Share" menu. Select "Export Song to Disk". Save your MP3 file (be sure to check off that you want an MP3 file) to the desktop and upload the file to the following place (see link below).

Please note that you do not need a Dropbox account in order to upload your file.

If you require any help in this step, please ask!


Have a look at the rubric below to look at how you will be evaluated for this podcast. 

The criteria are: Podcast Quality (10), Musical Language (20), Proper Review Format (20), Example Clips (10).

The total project = 60 marks.

This is the rubric used for evaluation of your podcast.

This is the rubric used for evaluation of your podcast.