Press play on the song above. That is a class sample of the song. Now, learn how to chord the song on the keyboard. Follow the steps below and become a master of Siya Hamba - keyboard style!
C major triad
F major triad
G major triad
These are the three chords you need to be able to play on the keyboard in order to learn Siya Hamba. That's it, 3 chords! Now... you need to practice them. You need to able to form them with your fingers and practice moving from one to the other.
Great! Now that you have practiced the chords. Try playing them along with the audio file below*. The lyric/lead sheet is also included here so you can see the chord progression.
*In order to play along, you need to have Garageband running on the Mac to enable the keyboards to work. If you need help, ask Mr Moccio or another student in class.
Siya Hamba
C+ G+ C+
Siya Ham-be ku-kha-nye-ni kwen-khos, Siya Ham-be ku-kha-nye-ni kwen-khos.
C+ G+ C+
Siya Ham-be ku-kha-nye-ni kwen-khos, Siya Ham-be ku-kha-nye-ni kwen-khos.
F+ C+ G+ C+
Siya Hamba, Hamba Siya hamba, hamba , Siya Hamba, ku-kha-nye-ni kwenkos.
F+ C+ G+ C+
Siya Hamba, Hamba Siya hamba, Siya Hamba, ku-kha-nye-ni kwenkos.
When you are ready, play the song for Mr. Moccio.