Colour Your Life

Crack of Doom

Crack of Doom logo.jpg



Place these dates in your calendar and be sure to book the evening performances off work in advance!

Matinee performances
Thursday, February 27 & Thursday, March 5

Evening performances
Friday, February 28 & Saturday, February 29
Friday, March 6 (CAPPIES Performance) & Saturday, March 7


This schedule gets updated periodically. Changes will take effect automatically in this calendar. Please check it weekly to make sure you are not missing anything!


You can use them to sing along and practice your parts. If we all dedicate some personal practice time to learning the songs, we will be able to master them better as a group. Thanks for having a listen.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Some of the tracks have different lyrics unfortunately. We will go with the rhythm that is printed on your scores and not the ones sung in these tracks. For example, this is true of Love Pentagon (some of the lyrics are not the “appropriate” lyrics for our school version. HOWEVER! These are great guides for you to sing along even if they don’t have the exact feel of how we will do them. Use them to guide your practicing :)


Goodbye World (From Thursday Nov 14)

Look at the notes for each character. However, to practice, please go to Practice Tracks (button above). You will see 4 different files “Goodbye World” with the character names. Your part will be played using a flute sound. Follow that.

Last 2 pages with the layered ending:

EVERYONE: WE’VE GOT THIS! Read your character notes and listen a couple of times everyday and sing along. 10 minutes of practice daily will go a LONG way to help this along.

Fred and Nancy - You have the top line - alternating the hellos between the two of you.

Doug, Christine - You have the second line - alternating the hellos between the two of you. You start by echoing Fred and Nancy. At the end, Christine goes down a note on the last word “World” and Doug goes up a note on the last word “World”.

Carson - Hello Hell - hold that slightly. At the end, your “Hello Rock Good bye” goes up a note on the last word “World”

Riley - You do that “Hello nothing-ness in the middle there”. Then, you join Carson on “Hello Rock Goodbye” and go down on the word “World”

Rae - you will join Bailey from the words “Hello Heavenly Father” right to the end… This is a tough line to get… you have to internalize it. It becomes easier the more you can kind of hum it to yourself and feel the rhythm of it.

Tristan - You come in on beat 4 of this whole thing. Fred’s first “Hello darkness” starts on beat 1. If you can feel the beat, count 1 2 3 (breathe on three) and then “Where do I belong…” See if you can go up the octave on “Are there ghosts in space”… this would help it have more tone. You go down on the word “World" at the last note.

Vanessa - You start on “If there’s a heaven will I go there” and then you go up on the last word “World”.